
Super Greasy Cheeseburger

Decent Essays

For lunch a super greasy cheeseburger on a whole grain bun with mayo is a mouth of trouble. The nutrients in the cheeseburger mostly consist is over 20% of saturated fat, 53% of total fat, 20% of calories in protein, 4 grams of added sugars, 8% of Linoleic Acid in calories, 1.1% of a-Linolenic Acid in Calories, and 84 milligrams in Cholesterol. The fat and protein is mostly from the greasy patty, the linolenic acid is from the mayo, and the bun is also made from grain. Also the amount of salt and seasoning makes up for the sodium. Altogether they have a good amount of sodium and potassium.

After the burger has been chewed and swallowed, the food will be digested in the stomach, and it will undergo through the small intestine where proteins

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