
Supervisory Platform and Evaluation System

Decent Essays

In any school, student learning is the ultimate goal and the focus of an effective learning community. In today’s society, the education system is called upon to teach all students at high levels. It has been established through significant research that teachers have a high impact on student learning, according to the RAND Corporation, “research suggests that, among school-related factors, teachers matter most. When it comes to student performance on reading and math tests, a teacher is estimated to have two to three times the impact of any other school factor, including services, facilities, and even leadership.” In order to ensure that students have the greatest chance for achievement, it is vital that school communities know that they have high quality teachers in place. To accomplish this task, systems have developed that integrate set measures aligning what teachers do and what happens as a result. These may include evidence of student work and learning, as well as, evidence of teacher practices derived from observations, reflection, recordings, artifacts, and various forms of feedback. Educational experts such as Marzano, Danielson, Stronge and others have published examples of evaluation models. While they vary in emphasis and design, they are similar in that they attempt to provide a framework for measuring the impact of a teacher on a student’s learning. Clearly, this is a daunting and challenging task and there is a risk involved in attempting to make something

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