
Sustainable Development: The Solution to Urbanization

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Sustainable Development: The Solution to Urbanization
As the world's population has grown exponentially in the modern era, issues of overcrowding in many of the world's cities have created environmental, social, and economic problems for many citizens and municipal governments. While "suburbanization" occurred in the 1950s in the United States and certain other nations, with people moving out of cities themselves and into residential areas near these major cities, cities have generally continued to expand and to grow ore dense, and indeed even some formerly suburban areas are becoming increasingly urbanized. Traffic density and congestion (as well as pollution created by this density), water and sewage problems, geographically and/or financially ineffective retail and economic growth, and a host of other problems all arise out of the increase in urbanization that has been occurring in the modern era, and the problems are complicated still further in developing countries that must build basic governmental and political architecture while also trying to plan and build infrastructure for the growth of their cites. Sustainability is a broadly-defined concept that can be used to address many if not all of the problems of urbanization. Essentially referring to growth, design, and building techniques that facilitate human needs with minimal environmental impact and (typically) minimal cost, it would seem that sustainability should long have been a part of city

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