
Pepsico Mission Statement

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Focusing more on operations management which is a key core to operating a successful company like PepsiCo. Significantly the mission statement of this company states “As one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world, our mission is to provide consumers around the world with delicious, affordable, convenient and complementary foods and beverages from wholesome breakfasts to healthy and fun daytime snacks and beverages to evening treats. We are committed to investing in our people, our company and the communities where we operate to help position the company for long-term, sustainable growth.” Fundamentally, this mission statement shows interest in consumers in which helps to gain customer value. In addition this statement …show more content…

This strategy is related to managing performance and productivity. Identically for PepsiCo, acquiring the right facilities for production and housing products are equally important for implementing this strategy.. This leads us to the fourth strategy which is location strategies in which is also crucial for a big corporation like PepsiCo. This strategy helps the company to promote sales and to ensure adequate high performance operations. In addition the fifth strategy helps to find cost efficient routes in the best interest of productivity. The importance of executing the right plans, decisions, and achieving goals are all combined into this strategy for adequate operations. This strategy is a major tool used by top management in order to achieve success. PepsiCo’s sixth strategy on the other hand centralizes on decision making strategies for job design and human resources in which holds a major impact on the overall company. Globalization and expanding of this brand all over the world has raised the need for numerous corporate divisions within this company in order to manage employees, operations, and market demands. Conducting proper management within PepsiCo entire corporation is of great importance for efficiency, productivity, and growth.
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