
Sympathy Fuels Connection

Decent Essays

I find that a lot of people are looking for sympathy quotes for the loss of someone or something to help their friends, family, or themselves feel better. It's a great way to work through a painful time. But, I think it's equally important to understand what sympathy is, what it does for us, and how to show it properly. That's why these 9 sympathy quotes are so important. They highlight what sympathy is and the importance it has in this world.

1. The Difference Between Sympathy and Empathy

"Empathy fuels connection. Sympathy drives disconnection." - Dr. Brene Brown

If you think that sympathy and empathy are the same thing, then this is one of the sympathy quotes that makes it crystal clear that they are not. But, despite what it looks …show more content…

You just need to let them spit it out and the whole thing will be over. And the mileage you get with doing that with a child is incredible." - Dr. Thomas Phelan on sympathetic listening

This is one of those great sympathy quotes that every parent or person around children should read, memorize, and take to heart. It's a great way to help raise a generation of sympathetic and compassionate people. Moreover, it gives you more chances to be sympathetic with them when they turn into teens or adults.

Dr. Thomas Phelan says that if you are able to listen to children, despite how badly you want to correct them on how they 'should' feel, you are able to earn their trust and let them work through their problems. Moreover, you are able to teach them the value of listening and being sympathetic rather than trying to inject their opinion into other people's problems and concerns all the time.

Kids who have sympathetic parents will grow up more willing to confide in them. This is beneficial for both the kid and the parent. Secrets are often what end up in resulting in big problems and teenagers putting themselves into dangerous situations or being unwilling to seek help when they truly need …show more content…

An Important Thing To Remember About Sympathy

"You can show sympathy and empathy, but you just can't really understand." - DJ Steph Floss

This is one of the most important sympathy quotes, in my opinion. You can have sympathy, but you can't really understand where someone is coming from. Not even if you have gone through a similar situation. Why? Because they have different perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs than you do.

They also have had different experiences which makes their current situation a little bit different than anything you have gone through. You may resonate with their fear or anger, but you can't pretend to understand exactly how they are feeling.

Therefore, you shouldn't tell them how they are feeling because you don't know. You should tell others how someone else is feeling, because you don't know. You don't know anyone's inner thoughts, what they think and do when you are not around, or how their mind and body is reacting to a situation, so don't pretend you do. Remembering this will help you build stronger relationships with people and be more helpful in their unique

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