
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder

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Humans like us have a lot emotions to express their mood like happy dancing because of a good grade or depressed because of not a good day. It is normal, but they didn’t realize that few emotions can affect their lives. Bipolar disorder is a serious illness that causes the brain to shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels like excited for new change and became emotional suddenly. Most people think it is normal to have the moods, but they are different that everybody is having hard time to control it. Imagine a man who been together with his wife for 40 years and she suddenly died which it is part of the life because no one can live forever. He must feeling sadness, having low self-esteem, and feeling hopeless that made him feel guilty. He tried so hard to cheer up but the suddenly moods always eaten him alive. It didn’t matter how he prepare for it, the feeling is really painful that his wife is no longer with him. This is a kind of experience that difficult to deal with their emotions, moods, and feelings. There are so many factors that can affect them and lead them into worse. For example, support from family and friend is lack of it and didn’t seek professional help to guidance the right path. Even thought it is depression, symptoms has multiple signs that help improve self-esteem; by knowing the causes and use treatments to improve their life. Dr. Francis M. Mondimore founded a lot of symptoms in Bipolar disorder in his book, “Bipolar Disorder; A guide for

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