
Synthesis Lab Report Sample

Decent Essays

sterilized the loop by heat and tube streaked 26A and 26B on the agar and then incubated at 37 degrees Celsius for 48 hours. To identify my bacteria’s grouping and morphology, I gram stained my bacteria by heat-fixing it over a flame, and covered my bacteria with crystal violet for one minute. After the minute, I washed the bacteria with purified water, then filled the bacteria with Gram’s iodine for another minute. After the minute, I cleaned the Gram’s iodine with purified water then added three drops of alcohol for 15 seconds. I cleansed away the alcohol with purified water and then add safranin for a minute. I washed off the stain and viewed the bacteria on 100X with immersion oil.
For the gram positive, round shaped bacteria I performed a Hemolytic Activity, I sterilized the …show more content…

The plate was then incubated at
37 degrees Celsius for 48 hours. The following test I ran was the catalase test to see if the bacteria could produce the exoenzyme catalase. For the bile esculin test, I sterilized the loop and tube by heat and then streaked 26A on the bile esculin medium to observe if it could hydrolyze esculin and was then incubated

at 37 degrees Celsius for 48 hours. To compare coagulase positive from negative, I performed a tellurite- glycine agar test by sterilizing the loop and tubes by heat, taking the bacteria and streaking it. The plate

was then incubated at 37 degrees Celsius for 48 hours.
For the gram negative, rod shaped bacteria, I choose to use a differential medium to see if the 26B was able to lactose fermentation. I sterilized the loop by heat and tube streaked 26B on the Eosin
Methylene Blue plate. The plate was then incubated at 37 degrees Celsius for 48 hours. The next test I

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