
Synthesis Of An Iron ( IIi ) -oxalate Complex

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EXPERIMENT 4A: Synthesis of an Iron(III)-Oxalate Complex: To begin, a filtering crucible was washed, labeled, and dried in an oven for one hour. While the experiment was performed, the filtering crucible was set-aside in a desiccator to cool and stay dry. After this was done, a mass of about 1.2 g (±0.2 g) of iron(II) ammonium sulfate hydrated salt (Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 ∙ 6H2O) was measured and recorded. It was then placed in a 50-mL beaker with 3 mL of deionized water and 1-3 drops of 6M sulfuric acid. The beaker was then swirled until all of the salt particles dissolved. Then, about 6 mL of 1 M oxalic acid was added to the solution in the 50-mL beaker. At this point, the pH was checked to ensure that solution was acidic. If it wasn’t acidic, then an addition of 6 M sulfuric acid may have been needed. This solution was then gently boiled, with boiling chips, for about five minutes to break down the precipitate. While the solution boiled, it was essential to swirl the solution. Once the solution had cooled down, the supernatant was decanted and put in a waste beaker, and the precipitate was washed with clean, hot deionized water. This precipitate was rinsed three times. The supernatant and wash solution wastes were then thrown away in waste containers. Then, 3.5 mL of 1.7 M potassium oxalate solution were added to the beaker with the rinsed precipitate. This solution was warmed to about 40℃ and it was constantly stirred. The solution was then removed from the Bunsen burner, and

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