
Systematic Procedure To Collect Essential Data And These

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systematic procedure to collect essential data and these data should be adequate in Quantity and Quality. The instruments those are used to collect the data or new facts are called Research tools. The Research tool plays a vital role not only in collecting primary data, facts but also ensuring accuracy to the research work. The investigator can arrange or select Research tool in two ways, One by selecting already available standardized tools available in the field of study, Standardization refers to proper item selection, high reliability and validity of the instrument to be used in collection of data. And second one is construction of a tool by researcher for present study, constructing of tool for the study needs lot of care and …show more content…

General Science measures knowledge in areas like Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. These subjects constitutes the core subjects in general school achievement.
RELIABILITY COEFFICIENTS by test —retest method with a gap of 14 days on a sample of 100 students the Reliability coefficient of GCAT observed .782 for class VIIth and .754 by split-half method.
Group/ Class Test- Retest
Reliability Split – half Reliability
Achievement Test (VII) / 100 .782 .754

VALIDITY COEFFICIENTS present test (GCAT) has been validated against the criteria i.e. Examination Marks, Teacher 's Opinion, Ratings in Interview. Validity Coefficients for GCAT for class VIIth is .683 in terms of Examinations Ranks, .592 in terms of Teacher 's Opinion, .683 in terms of Rating in Interview.
Validity Coefficient for General Classroom Achievement Test:
Group/Class Examinations Ranks Teacher 's opinion Rating in interview
GCAT(VII) N=40 .683 .592 .683

Percentile Norms have been constructed for GCAT on heterogeneous sample of 300 students of both class Vlth & Vllth from Urban and Rural area in age group 10-12 years. The results of norms are tested on Gender and Urban-Rural variable and it was found that Gender difference was not significant in either case i.e. urban or rural. But both samples differed in terms of urban rural variable. All counted corelational values were significant.

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