
Teacher Reflection

Decent Essays

For any profession, you need to continuously seek knowledge to see growth and better yourself in order to be great at what you do. This is especially true for education. Our society and students are forever changing meaning that their way of learning will continue to change as well. Like Pat Riley said “If you’re not getting better you’re getting worse”; thus, it is important to be engaged and committed to looking for ways to improve the classroom, myself as a professional or to learn new strategies. In my placements at the Linn-Mar School District, I was blessed with an opportunity to work with some great professionals. We assessed each other's teaching all of the time. I got the opportunity to bounce ideas off each other and help progress our teaching even further. Often times I talked with my CT about my teaching. I would ask them what they thought, if they had any suggestions, and many other “group think” discussion questions in order to improve my teaching. Every Monday morning, at the high school, we would meet with our professional learning communities, PLCs, and work on different ways to improve our classes. One conversation I had frequently with my CT, which then came up in our PLC, was assessing homework versus using a formative check or assessment. In our PLCs, we anticipate struggle areas for students, discuss the different ways each one of teaches taught those concepts, collaborate on data from assessments. We did a lot of assessing of each other,

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