
Teaching Philosophy And The Management Of Our Classrooms Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction When we teach we all have our own reason behind why we want to be a teacher, how our classroom will run, and our personal philosophy of what educating the future of America should entail. Just like how we need a framework for our on teaching philosophy and the management of our classrooms, we need a framework to be the backbone to our development of an integrated curriculum. Our framework originates from four main areas: cognitivism, social constructivism, Howard Garner’s Multiple Intelligences, and brain-based learning. Just as unique as our students are who come into our classroom, our framework needs to be unique as well, it cannot just include one of the four main area, it needs to be a mixture of the four main areas. This allows for differentiated instruction which provides the opportunity for all students to be successful due to the wide range of content, assessments, activities, and interactions performed within the curriculum (Renaud, 2016). “In differentiated classrooms, teachers begin where students are, not at the front of a curriculum guide,” thus they build upon each students’ prior knowledge and accept that each student will be in different skill levels and need to appeal to different interests and varied rates and complexity of instruction (Tomlinson, 1990). Thus, each theoretical theory will be discussed along with how learning, instruction and assessments unfold in each framework.
Theoretical Perspectives There are several learning theories

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