
Essay about My Philosophy of Classroom Management

Good Essays

I believe students learn best when:
They are given choices about what to read and what to write about.
They are given real audience and purpose to their assignments.
They can relate their learning to their lives outside the classroom.
They are allowed to create their own goals.
There is an atmosphere where everyone's opinions and interpretations are valid and all students are allowed to express their ideas without being judged by their peers.
There are a variety of assessments including writing, creating, and presenting.
They are given a structure of rules and expectations within which they can be creative and constructive.
They understand what is expected of them by clearly defining rules, appropriate behavior, and procedures. …show more content…

In a lot of ways students will also set their own goals by which they will be graded. They will set goals for independent reading and will be graded on their ability to meet those goals. In this same idea my students will state what their weaknesses are in their writing and then be graded on their improvement in those areas and the course progresses. I think students are more motivated when they are allowed to work on the skills they deem important and useful and meet their own goals to overcome those weaknesses. Reaching these goals create a much larger sense of accomplishment than any arbitrary grade. Realizing that each student has different individual skills and goals, teacher involvement and knowledge with their students is vital to helping students achieve their own successes. Teachers also need to realize that each student is motivated by different goals and in different ways. The setting of individual goals allows for each student to both work independently and motivate each student as needed.

This also takes the form of creating motivation in my students by allowing them to see how their learning relates to their lives outside my classroom. Reading and writing assignments allow for students to individualize their assignments so the learning can be applied outside the

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