
Teamwork Research Paper

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The bus, full of chattering girls, pulled into the parking lot in Boston, MA. I listened to the coach, Walter speak as he gave us directions to follow. Then, I stood up from the comfortable laid back seat that faced a tv. Off the bus, I walked to the back and the back door opened. Black and gold bags with a Vermont Stars logo passed down to me, carried a strong odor. We just grab a bag and bring it so we don’t waste time trying to find our specific one. Weighed down by my teammates bag, imprints left on my shoulder, I grabbed my 2 composite sticks. My black Nike sneakers hit the pavement as I became closer and closer to the doors, teammates by my side. A friend, a couple steps ahead of me pushed the door open and held it for me. My hand hit the metal door and sent a cold chill up my spine.
I placed my foot onto the cold concrete floor that transformed into a black rubber flooring in a couple feet. Cheering and screams bounced off the walls of the echoing arena. Once in the locker room there was a breeze of warm air. I placed my teammates bag down where there …show more content…

How much teamwork a team has can really affect how successful or unsuccessful a team is. We have matching uniforms and do our warm ups together, we ride a bus all together, share hotel rooms with each other, plus tons more. Being on a prep team and traveling out of state every weekend with my team we weren’t just individuals, we became family. We always had eachothers back on or off the ice. It’s really incredible to be apart of something like that and I was for three years. We all spent those years together while we lost a couple and gained a couple, we always welcomed the new ones in though. The Vermont Stars prep team has taught me a lot of life lessons and has really showed me what teamwork is. Today, I carry what I learned with me and use it everyday. I couldn’t be more thankful for being able to be apart of that

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