
Teamwork and Accountability

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Tracy Harper is the newest member of Optimal Outcomes, Inc. For the past 20 years she has worked with two Illinois Fortune 500 Companies, Apple and Wal-Mart Stores, as a Corporate Social Responsibility Officer. Her primary role with OOI will be to assist clients in effectively planning the goals and objectives of the organization and developing business models that monitor and ensure compliance with ethical standards, norms and laws.
Teamwork has become increasingly more popular in organizations. In order for teams to be successful it is important that individuals have the tools necessary to align their tasks with a shared goal. Teams must be able to provide the necessary feedback and support to continue to improve the …show more content…

Many of the members were reserved and often needed prompting and encouraging to share. The returning members had had a strong connection with one another through a previous group and made the sharing look easy. This visual success was encouraging to the whole group. As the weeks passes the group became more cohesive and their expectations of one another grew. They began to hold one another accountable for meeting their common goal of becoming an invested community of believers. Week after week they came back to share and engage with one another.
Despite the sharing of a common goal there was one member that was not able to enter into conversation during the small group time. She would often sit with her arms folded as if she were merely an observer in the group. She became increasingly distant and refused to share herself with other women in the group. Was this behavior something that the group was willing to accept? According to Levi, group accountability is only present when team members agree to “call each other on performance or behavior issues that are detrimental to the success of the team.”(Levi, 2014, p. ) Which team member was going to be brave enough to let her know that her silence and lack of participation was not acceptable? With our single leader discipline model what option’s does the team have? Is it at this point that we must move to a team discipline? If we consider the three dimensions of the discipline

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