
Telecommuting, a Solution to Employee Morale and Retention Issues

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We as employers are facing problems retaining key employees and keeping employee morale at a positive working level. This phenomenon is a new challenge seeking an affordable and implementable solution. I believe that telecommuting is a solution that should be considered to solve both employee morale issues and key employee retention issues. These issues are well documented in the 2008-2009 Northrop Grumman exit survey results. The results of 500 exiting employees of 5 years or less tenure documented their desire for an alternate work schedule and more succinctly, telecommuting. The definition for telecommuting or telework can be summarized as the process of working from a home environment through electronic methods, utilizing the home …show more content…

An area for Northrop Grumman to explore is the cost of high turnover of employees. There is the impact of training that must be provided for each new employee and when the retention of employees is not effective this cost can be quite dramatic. The continuous loss of employees (retention issues) is a large cost impact to any employer who is paying to sustain a solid, capable workforce. Northrop Grumman spent over $2.8M for the El Segundo site in 2008; this represents 23% of the total training cost. This cost is addresses the turnover requirements. I believe that if we were to offer telecommuting to those potential exiting employees they might consider staying. This would be a cost benefit to the employer such as Northrop Grumman. I further agree with Pophal that if telecommuting were offered as a solution, morale could be improved for the employee (Pophal, 2001). Of course, the type of job does have to meet certain selection criteria to support it as a good candidate Today’s fuel costs have put a great deal of pressure on the commuting employee and they are looking for ways to cut corners. An alternative for work commute trips is telecommuting. It is obvious that there is a tangible savings by the employee if they are able to work from their home. The employer is concerned and rightfully so that managing resources through telecommuting is more difficult than managing traditionally. Another group of potential telecommuting employees are those seeking

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