Interpol is the world’s largest international police organization, with 188 member countries including the United States. Interpol was created in 1923 and headquartered in Lyon France, it facilitates cross-border police co-operation, and supports and assists all organizations, authorities and services whose mission is to prevent or combat international crime including terrorism. Interpol aims to facilitate international police co-operation even where diplomatic relations do not exist between particular countries. Action is taken within the limits of existing laws in different countries and in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Interpol’s constitution prohibits any intervention or activities of a political, military, …show more content…
In order to help member countries report terrorist activity, Interpol has issued practical guidelines on the type of information required. Member countries are also encouraged to report on other crimes which may be linked to terrorism, such as suspicious financial transactions, weapons trafficking, money laundering, falsified travel and identity documents, and seizures of nuclear, chemical and biological materials. The growing possibility of terrorists launching attacks with biological or chemical weapons is a particularly urgent concern. A dedicated bio-terrorism unit at the General Secretariat works to implement various projects with the close co-operation of Interpol National Central Bureaus and regional offices. As the planning for terrorist attacks often spans countries and regions, fighting terrorism requires the same level of effort and cooperation among nations. Spearheading Interpol's anti-terrorism efforts is the Fusion Task Force (FTF), created in September 2002 in the wake of the alarming rise in the scale and sophistication of international terrorist attacks. Task Force Fusion’s primary objectives are to identify terrorist groups and their membership, solicit, collect, and share information and intelligence, provide analytical support, and to enhance the capacity of member countries to address the threats of terrorism.
How did the terrorist attacks of September
Prior to the terror attacks of September 11th on the twin towers, life was far different than its current regime. The Unites States wasn’t officially involved in any wars, few Americans had ever heard of al-Qaeda or Osama bin Laden, and ISIS was inexistent. We deported half the number of people we do today. Our surveillance state was a fraction of its current size and, astonishingly, you didn’t have to take your shoes off at the airport. The terror attacks prompted new attitudes and concerns about vigilance and safety, bringing forth new policies that prioritized national security and defence like the USA Patriot Act. These new attitudes have shaped the American people into a different state of mind, one that is constantly suspicious of someone of the muslim origin, leaving openings for the unsuspected people, the ones from home.
Homeland Security is characterized by crime control being the primary police function. It is best achieved through a collective effort by all law enforcement agencies. One of the strategies being used is Intelligence Led Policing. This strategy is not new, it can be traced back to the British is the 1990’s (Bailey, 2011). Intelligence Led Policing is an approach to crime that deals with all crimes and threats including terrorism. This approach is unique because it is threat driven instead of incident driven. It also is a long term approach and focuses on causes and conditions that add to crime through a collection of data.
As a result of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, most Americans have a general knowledge about terrorism. The U.S. military has been at war for around a decade, continuing the concentration of the media and politicians on Middle Eastern countries and terrorist groups. Consequently, the focus of the nation tends to remain on international terrorist groups rather than domestic terrorist groups. There is a vast amount of terrorism groups in America, including the Army of God, the Aryan Nations, and the Animal Liberation Front, who possess extreme ideals and exist for different reasons. The fact that there are numerous terrorist groups that are composed of American citizens performing tremendous acts of violence within the U.S. seems to go somewhat unnoticed by the general public.
Domestic Terrorism is the use of violent acts intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal. Domestic terrorism is a broad term, and several individuals who perform these attacks do not think their acts fall under that umbrella. Whether they believe it is an act of terroristic crime or not, several attacks that have occurred in the recent years whether it had a huge impact or not, still falls under domestic terrorism. Although the Global Terrorism Database has gone to great lengths to avoid the spread of terrorist attacks, attacks are still unavoidable; there is still a homegrown rise in domestic terrorism. As a society, we must ponder and try to find the reason why domestic
The Federal Bureau of Investigation Domestic•(FBI) categorizes terrorism in the U.S. as one of two types: Terrorism – is terrorist activities that focus on facilities or populations without foreign direction. International Terrorism – is terrorist activities that are foreign‐based and/or sponsored by organizations or groups outside the U.S (). International terrorism poses the greatest threat to our national security. Global trends indicate that the growing number of terrorist groups will become more networked and even harder to identify and
The Department of Homeland Security in the U.S. is mandated to deal with terrorism problem that has a long history in the U.S. Terrorism has been a threat to U.S. security since the 1800. Terrorists continue to use powerful secret communication strategies and unexpected tools to achieve their intention in the U.S. soil. For example, the 9/11 terrorism attack that killed the highest number of American citizens in history succeeded because terrorist used hijacked passenger planes to perform the attack (Lutz and Lutz, 2013). Although the most notorious terrorism activity in the U.S. soil was performed by Islamic extremist, several other groups among them black militancy, anti-liberal, anti-government, Jewish extremist, fascist extremists, and Palestinian militancy among others have been reportedly caused a terrorist activity in the U.S. in the past and their continued existence still remain a major threat to the U.S. security (Lutz and Lutz, 2013). The counter-terrorism policy administered through the Bureau of Counterterrorism aims at partnering with local security agents, multilateral organizations, non-state actors and foreign governments to defeat local and global terrorism. The policy employs high level of coordinated strategies in securing international partnership to document and monitor and act appropriately to Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) and Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) as emerging organizations that coordinate international terrorist
Ever since 9/11 when both World Trade Center buildings were attacked by an Islamic Group, attacks by Islamic Terrorist on U.S. soil have been less of a threat than Domestic Terrorists. Domestic Terrorism has been shown these passed for years but yet again most of these cases have not been classified as acts of Domestic Terrorism they most likely fall into the category. Now the definition of Domestic Terrorism is basically "the committing of terrorist acts in the perpetrator 's own country against their fellow citizens". Now personally I don 't know how our government is working with these popular cases like Charlottesville, Las Vegas, and a new that just happened recently actually two but I 'll just say one, the New York attack that
National terrorism has been the focus of attention since September 11. But now domestic terrorism is becoming increasingly common among hate groups across the nation. Domestic terrorism can be defined as visible crime, or “street crime.” These acts would consist of violent crimes, (acts against people in which injury or death results) property crimes (acts that threaten property held by individuals or the state) and public order crimes. (acts that threaten the general well-being of society and challenger accepted moral principles) It can also however be described as political crime, (criminal acts by or against the government for ideological purposes) which would include the 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing.
Although world hunger and threat of nuclear war are among the highest issues in our world today, none rings more true with many people then the issue of domestic terrorism. As defined by the Oxford dictionary, domestic terrorism is “The committing of terrorist acts in the perpetrator's own country against their fellow citizens.” (Oxford dictionary, 2018) Right after the nine-eleven attacks of September 2001 President Bush initiated the war on terror (The Washington Post, 2001) which has attempted to put an end to domestic terrorism. Unfortunately it has really not made much of an impact when we look at events like the Boston Marathon bombing and the Las Vegas shooting.
Criminals and terrorist share many similarities but it is the differences in motive that truly set them apart. Despite the motive of the terrorist it is the responsibility of those responding agencies to mitigate and respond to those incidents appropriately. It is also important for first responders to be mindful of the seven signs of terrorism, surveillance, elicitation, tests of security, acquiring supplies, suspicious persons, trial, and deployment (C2Tlearn, 2017) when responding to an incident; being sure to document, report, and call upon resources above their capabilities to aid in countering and responding to a terrorist event. Although local responding agencies have limited capabilities in countering terrorism, local agencies in conjunction with state and federal authorities can effectively counter and respond in the event of a terrorist attack.
The INTERPOL represents the largest police organization in the world consisting of about 186 member countries. The INTERPOL is therefore, a police organization whose main agenda is to promote cross border police cooperation. Its operations are funded by the member states, which is through the yearly contributions of approximately $59 million. In terms of international organizations, it is ranked second after the United Nations. Its headquarters is currently based in Lyon, France. It is distinguished from other international organizations since it does not participate in international politics, military actions, religious aspects and cultural concerns (Dunoff & Trachtman, 2009). The principle of survival of INTERPOL is
In the modern era terrorists have at their disposal a plethora of resources to recruit, train, and conduct acts of terrorism. Modern law enforcement, at the local, national, and international level, must, therefore, employee significant tactics to gather and analyze intelligence and then utilize the intelligence gathered to neutralize terrorist efforts. In this post I will look at some of the methods employed by law enforcement, at the national and international level, to combat terrorism.
Have you ever had a fear for your family, your town, your country, or your world. How about the fear to have everything taken from you, destroyed, and not caring if it has hurt you or not? What about your fear and pain is, and can be someone else’s happiness? The fear of you being terrorized? That is terrorism. Someone else bringing fear and terrorizing you. That is a terrorist’s goal. Terrorism is common and is very difficult to stop. The government promises protection for the people, and their home, but they can not give that protection if they can not stop terrorism. Terrorism needs to stop to protect the live of the people, and their country.
The government can implement many new methods to increase security, or better yet give off the image of better security which is what they have predominantly done, yet ultimately there will always be a way to bypass or come up with a new way to infiltrate that measure. The government so far has done a variety of things ranging from the closing of the Dulles airport (permanently), working with the FAA on new security measures, having pilots carry handguns, and a not so specific, profiling.
The immediacy and the primacy of any truly potent force is the ability to perpetuate itself. Sharp and energetic outbursts have their place, and can be known to have great effect-cataclysmic forces, despite their maximum destructive potential, are temporary in their total effects in relation to some absolute goal. In other words, they are generally limited in scope, and well defined in purpose; there is a tactical objective, which is usually consummated quickly. The more dreaded force creeps along, escalating incrementally, and while it may abide a strategic goal, or even a policy, it is generally open-ended. This sort of ambiguity I am referring to differs from the flexible tactical necessity in that strategic outcomes are very much