
The Art Of College Management : Cheating By Rebekah Nathan

Satisfactory Essays

Cheating is the new culture, well it’s not the new culture is has been the culture. Cheating is when you be dishonest in class submitting work and answers to the professor as if they were your own. Not everyone has the same depiction of cheating. According to Rebekah Nathan, cheating has peen part of the college culture for the last couple of centuries ( Nathan 28). In college there is many ways to cheat. Throughout Nathan article, “ The Art of College Management: Cheating”, she gives the readers a student perspective on cheating also their reasons and justifications. Not everyone feel the same way about the topic of cheating how Rebekah Nathan do. In Mathieu Bouville journal article “ Why Cheating is Wrong?”, he discuss the reasons why cheating is wrong also how it affects students in the long run. Cheating will become a more often thing and schools will continue to report high numbers of academic dishonesty. Keeping it part of the culture. Which is acceptable to Nathan, but she failed to layout the consequences of cheating. Throughout the four articles on cheating each author view it differently, but Rebekah Nathan article offers effective insight about the college culture and the practice of cheating.
In summary, Rebekah Nathan talk about how college or on any school level there will be cheating. Cheating is part of what comes with the whole school thing. Nathan gave data on the research, and a high number of college students were cheating in some form. According to

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