This paper will inform readers about the attributes of managing organizational behavior. This paper articulate an effective leadership approach from a biblical perspective. This paper describe core attributes and their roles for managing behavior. This paper presents linkage and support form scripture in the Bible. I have integrate biblical principles about leaders and leadership behavior. Lastly, this paper presents the distinctions from popular models in purpose and perceptive. My paper will discuss my beliefs on managing organizational behavior from experiences and observations from communication, time management, and evaluations. These perspective alone with other critical information will be structured in my paper with proper …show more content…
While pride is an unattractive quality in leaders, humility is a strength that compels others to follow. (Parrot, Longview)
Components of Managing Organizational Behavior
Communication is a key factor in Leadership organizational behavior. This is important because in order to live up to our mission and envision our vision, you have to be willing to understand and comprehend the value that communication brings. An effective leader should have quality communication, because communication improves the effectiveness of growth from a leader’s perspective. When communicating, as leaders, we want to make sure our team or followers comprehend what we are putting out. The followers are allowed the choice to follow or not to follow.
Time Management
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 states that, “there is an occasion for everything and a time for every activity under haven: a time to give birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot; a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to tear down and a time to build; a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance; a time to throw stones and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace and a time to avoid embracing; a time to search and a time to count as lost; a time to keep and a time to throw away; a time to tear and a time to sew; a time to be silent and a time to speak; a time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace.”
Time management is another
“Developing excellent communication skills is absolutely essential to effective leadership. The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others. If a leader can't get a message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then having a message doesn't even matter."
Leadership is an important attribute in individuals such as managers, academic experts, and researchers. The topic of leadership continues to gain popularity and importance in almost all sectors. The way leaders in managerial positions communicate determines their effectiveness and success in achieving high levels of performance and success in their organizations. There are numerous books that provide an insight into effective leadership and communication. One of such books is by Atwater and Waldman (2012). This paper provides a summary, contextual analysis and critique of the book.
The research topic for this paper focuses on three subject areas from Chapter 4 of the text book, “Organizational Management and Leadership, A Christian Perspective”, that seemed most important (Satterlee, 2009). First, vision is an important leadership characteristic because it establishes purpose and sets the path to the future for the entire organization. Second, servant leadership is an important model for leadership as it results in a collaborative culture where all levels of employees are likely to work together to achieve goals. Finally, change leadership is important as change is inevitable and the longevity of an organization can be determined by how effectively change is managed.
Persons in leadership positions of any business type are subject to make important decisions. These decisions not only affect the business itself, but also the employees and customers of that business. In order to present these resolutions to everyone, it must be done so in an effective manner. Effective communication from leadership is an integral part of any business. This communication may be composed of both verbal and non-verbal forms, and without the two-way communication, between the leadership and the followership, the business or organization may fail.
“Leadership is accomplished through communication – what a leader actually says and does in interaction” (Galanes & Adams, 2013).. Modern society is continually changing, and leaders who are flexible, culturally sensitive, creative and display sound communication skills are crucial.
Communication ability. Leaders who are unable to effectively communicate will fail to build successful teams, reach objectives or develop trust among members of the organition. Followers must be able to effectively communicate as well, to ensure the team is functioning the way it should and the leadership understands the what is taking place within the organition and how the teams or groups are functioning. Effective communication between both roles is critical to the overall success of an
1. Leadership and decision-making, involves knowing how to communicate with the all elements of an organization. This includes employees, managers, and customers. Communication is transmitting information and establishing common meanings (Denhardt, Denhardt, & Aristigueta 2013). Each element of management may require a different style of communication. Leaders must be able to adapt communication techniques based on the groups they are communicating with and decisions that affect them (Hatch & Cunliffe, 2013; Denhardt, Denhardt, & Aristigueta, 2013). Given these considerations, the purpose of this essay is to examine how communication impacts leadership and the decision-making process of management.
Knowing the essentials of how and when to communicate is of utmost importance. Leaders must acknowledge that communication is a two-way conversation – there is sender and a receiver and all parties involved are playing the roles of both the sender and receiver (Bateman and Snell 2009). Being a great communicator builds trust among employees. Great leaders strive to master the art of being a sender and receiver and must be willing to give the same respect he would like to receive.
Organization behavior is the study and application of information regarding how an individual or group of people within an organization behaves. According to John Schermerhorn author of the book Organizational Behavior Twelfth Edition, organizational behavior is the key characteristic used to maintain and enhance interaction levels amongst employees within a company (Schermerhorn, 2011). There are additional characteristics such as leadership, openness to confer in relation to issues, and challenges in an attempt to assist a corporation achieve their strategic business objectives. Organization behavior involves the understanding of critical matters that assist with comprehending and predicting what influences human behavior and how it will help achieve desired goals. Organizational behavior is also defined as the investigation of behavioral factors that affect modern organizations and their management at the individual, group, and organization-wide levels (Baack, 2012).
Communication is absolutely one of the most important qualities a leader can possess, if not the number one quality. Both verbal and nonverbal communication is important as a leader. Being able to communicate with your employees is an essential skill to carry. When there is no communication employees do not know what to expect. A good company will have open communication throughout their organization.
I watched a video in YouTube and it was named as “important leadership skills”. From that video I have learned that, communication with the followers plays a vital role while playing the leadership skills. To accomplish any tasks, it is important to discuss about the mission as well as vision of the particular task. I believe that, my followers must not be confused what job needs to be performed. I will make a vision and then justify the vision to my followers. Bass mentioned that, exchanging of information properly is not only an important part of communication skill but also understanding the intension of communication is vital (Bass 1985). According to Caruso, Mayer and Salovey, effective communication has two central parts and they are; the messages will reach to the followers properly that leaders intended (Caruso, Mayer & Salovey, 2002). Another important part of communication is to listen properly from the followers if they are facing any problems to understand the full meaning of what is being said. Carlopio and Andrewartha mentioned that, while engaging in listening activity, a leader needs to make the followers believe that, the leader is listening deeply and it will make strong connections between leaders and followers (Carlopio & Andrewartha, 2008). According to Chan and Drasgow, increasing interaction eliminates any kind of misunderstandings between leaders and followers (Chan & Drasgow, 2001). As a leader, managing stress of the followers is
Furthermore, leaders who can use communication skills effectively, are able to comprehend and express ideas (Ringer, 2002; Tareq, 2008). Achieving effective oral communication skills requires leaders to limit words and phrases, which results in explaining their concepts and ideas. Levinson also states, leaders who use too many words have a tendency to ramble about non-relevant issues, however summarizing the main points , staying focused and avoiding distractions helps leaders discipline what information is relevant, resulting in translating their thoughts into a profitable action faster (1968). Effective communication requires leaders to be prepared, organized and observant, giving leaders the ability to execute their message successfully (Showry & Manasa, 2012).
Communication is essential in all facets of an organization. It can aid in decision making, planning and conflict resolution. The ability to effectively communicate allows facilitation of relationships between superiors and subordinates; essentially this creates higher job satisfaction (Dogra, A., 2012). Open communication where employees have opportunity to voice their ideas and concerns, corelates to employees feeling a sense of value within the organization, which creates motivation (Dogra, A., 2012). Furthermore, in conjunction with these ideas, a sense of partnership and loyalty begin to develop between subordinates and superiors. The responses to this are typically seen in greater responsibility being given to the subordinate.
Communication is an essential component in any relationship, including how it affects organizational behaviors. Too much, or lack thereof, can determine if the message was properly sent, understood, and received. According to Popovic and Hocenski (2009), leaders need to be able to communicate to their subordinates in language they can understand regardless of their level within the organization (Popovic & Hocenski, 2009, pp. 15-16). Because communication is a vital part of organizational structure, leaders need to have a thorough understanding of communication. “To determine which verbal communication behaviors are commonly used, one needs to first establish the relationship between
workplace as well. Communication is an essential skill that we cannot avoid, and should be perfected as a goal in improving your leadership efficiency. When in a leadership role, the leader