
The Battle Buddy System : A Pairing Of Soldiers Of The Same Sex For Mutual Assistance And Support

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“The battle buddy system is a pairing of soldiers of the same sex for mutual assistance and support. The system helps to reduce stress, teaches teamwork, develops a sense of responsibility for fellow soldiers, and improves/encourages safety. The battle buddy system applies to all Soldiers in training at all times, on and off post on and off-duty hours. The battle buddy system is established IAW TRADOC Reg. 350-6.”
–Policy Letter #14: The Battle Buddy System
Why having a battle buddy is impotent.
Why is having a battle buddy important?? There are many reasons why having a battle buddy is important like, if something bad happens there you have a witness, in a combat situation, having someone to study with, just to have some to hang out with and talk to, it even adds some responsibility, have a battle buddy also means you have an extra set of ears, it also decreases the risks of suicide, and can help a lot reliving stress.
If something bad happens you have a witness? Sexual harassment haves become a pretty big issue in the army, and having a battle buddy can help prevent that from happening. Let’s say you go out with your battle buddy and he/she gets sexually assaulted and your battle buddy did not have a battle buddy, so there is no proof that that happened so there is no evidence that this has happened now if they would have had a battle buddy then that possibly not have happened, but let’s say it still did happen, and you were there to witness the sexual assault that can

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