
The Bedside Shift Of Patient Participation

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Recognizing that patient participation is vital to their personal medical care, healthcare organizations are conducting nursing staff shift reports at the bedside in the patient’s presence. Bedside reports aim to avoid communication failures by exchanging real-time information at shift change. Bedside reporting is a new alternative to the customary change of shift report that traditionally takes place in a unit hallway or at the nurse’s station. This provides an opportunity for questions before valuable information is lost or overlooked. In this literature review of bedside shift reporting, three studies were compared in order to show that a patient’s perspective is valued as they can see and hear from the team of professionals who are providing their care. Bedside shift report also improves the nurses’ understanding of the patient’s condition as the nurse is able to visualize the patient and share relevant information.

Bedside Shift Report Literature Review
The bedside shift report occurs between the outgoing and oncoming nurse next to the patient’s bedside at shift change. It is intended to engage patients in the conversation and exchange of information. This gives both nurses and the patient the opportunity to ask questions and verify important information about the patient’s history and care plan.
In a research article by Lamond (2000), the assistive role of the nursing shift report in information processing and plan of care discussion was examined. This study

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