
The Causes Of College Stress And Coping Tactics

Decent Essays

Causes of College Stress and Coping Tactics Going to college for the first time in a student’s life is an exciting experience for most. This means having opportunities that weren’t so easily assessable before going to campus, and having the freedom to find ones’ self. While mom and dad aren’t there to hold their child’s hand anymore, the student is more likely to face new challenges, or similar challenges to those faced before, yet suddenly more difficult to handle alone. According to the 2015 National College Health Assessment, 30% of students reported to have noticed a negative impact that stress in their daily lives was taking on their education. College stress can be caused by many factors including, but not limited to poor time management skills, pressure from superiors and ones’ self to excel, and lack of creating new relationships with peers.
During this time of freedom from high expectations and demands that a student faces when entering college, he or she may find more free time to reflect on their life, build new relationships, develop stronger life skills such as cultural tolerance, and decision making (Catherine Coccia & Carol A. Darling, 2014). According to the journal “Having The Time Of Their Life” common stress inducers could be caused simply by personal characteristics, social interactions and personal behaviours. Personal characteristics such as gender and age have proven to be related to higher stress levels in females than males. Females tend to have

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