
The Chicano Spanish And Chicano

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2nd Apples Davies Comp 101 September 15, 2015 Title- The Language of Chicano The Chicano Spanish people are a discriminated group of people in a society where they felt rather ashamed of their language. In the essay of what Anzaldua wrote about the Chicano Spanish were discriminating themselves of being a marginalized group that their language was socially inferior to the dominant discourse, the English language in America. The Chicano, or the Spanish people, in American society’s goal was that they wanted to get rid of their cultural language in order for the Chicanos to become “ Americanized” by speaking the dominant language. Eventually, the Chicano Spanish people, then felt uncomfortable that their traditional language by speaking Spanish to Americans and other people who speak Spanish as well as they were making low assumptions of them; therefore, the Spanish people resort by speaking English as a neutral language for them to communicate to the people of society without feeling embarrassed. In spite of using the dominant language as a source of communication, they require a distinct language for them to communicate themselves rather than speaking the English language. For the Chicano Spanish that they were the complex, heterogeneous people as they spoke in many variety of different languages” (28). From school, the media, and the job situations, I’ve picked up standard and working-class English. From

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