
The Child I Am Doing For My Child Study Paper

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The child I am doing for my child study paper is a four year old male. He is my dad’s girlfriend’s son, who I am able to see interact and socialize at home when I am around. He goes to preschool three days out of the week and has been going for about five months. His background of preschool is fairly new, but he has a few cousins his age he interacted with before school was in his daily schedule. His family consists of him, his mother, my father and a older brother who is seven years older than him. His parents have been divorced for about a year and a half. His personality allows him to be very easy going, like a go with the flow outlook. He is not a high maintenance child, he doesn’t like being the center of attention, but he enjoys playing with the other children. He seems oblivious to the surrounding noises, and doesn’t get easily distracted and was a pleasure to observe viewing him from a teacher perspective rather than as his “sister”. His interaction with adults is proficient for his age he has a wide vocabulary and his able to identify words when they are said in a sentence. His peer interaction as well is proficient, at school the teachers say that he is great at holding conversations with teachers and his peers about any subject that is brought to his attention.
His physical and motor development skills were emerging for his age level. The activities he did such as coloring and playing with cars and trains seemed to really be an interest of his. He knew different

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