
The Circulatory System Controls The Steady Circulation

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The circulatory system controls the steady circulation of the blood through the body by means of heart and blood vessels. It is intricately designed to get blood, oxygen, and nutrients to each and every cell through the human body. While bringing cells the necessities to replenish themselves and multiply, the circulatory system also aids in the removal of waste and the return of deoxygenated blood back to the heart and lungs. This is done through the heart, lungs, arteries, veins, and capillaries.
The heart is a muscular cone-shaped organ that keeps the blood moving within the circulatory system. Being about the size of a closed fist in a child, and two fists in an adult, it maintains a beat of anywhere from 60-80 beats per minute, but …show more content…

The vessels main purpose is to transport blood from the heart too the various tissues throughout the body.
The blood is one of the most essential parts of a working circulatory system. The eight too ten pints of blood is the sticky, red liquid that is constantly flowing through our veins, carrying nutrients and oxygen to tissues found throughout the body. The hypothalamus part of the brain is known as the regulating system for the entire body. This is what keeps our blood at a normal temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Although blood is always red, it may appear to be different colors (blue, dark red, possibly even greenish). This is caused by the amount of oxygen found in the blood as it flows through our veins. Less oxygen leads to a darker cooler tone, and even the blue color. The blood is composed of red and white blood cells, platelets, plasma, and hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a complex protein made of iron that attaches itself to the red blood cells, which are carrying oxygen to the body cells, and carbon dioxide back to the lungs. White blood cells destroy disease-causing toxins and bacteria from the blood. Plasma, is the the clear fluid where the red and white blood cells are found. Plasma carries food and other useful substances to the cells and removes carbon dioxide. Smaller than the blood cells, platelets contribute to the blood clotting process.
Not only does the circulatory system provide the blood throughout the

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