
The Company That I Have Decided To Research Is Barnes &

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The company that I have decided to research is Barnes & Noble.
Throughout this past decade Globalization and technology have drastically impacted the sales of Barnes & Noble. In the recent past Barnes and Noble was faced with its biggest challenge it has faced in its history, trying to keep up with Amazon’s fire tablet. This was definitely a new challenge because unlike Barnes and Nobles past competitors such as Borders book store they were now in current competition with a specific product of a company. The Amazon tablet was like nothing consumers had seen before.
Amazon had managed to produce a tablet that was able to make hundreds of thousands of books available at a time and allowed their users to download these books from any …show more content…

“Even if you do read enough to take advantage of Kindle Unlimited, be aware that you don 't get to choose any book in Amazon 's vast library. Five major publishers -- Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins, Hachette, MacMillan and Penguin -- have all opted out of the plan. That means you won 't be reading much Steven King or Dan Brown on Kindle Unlimited, nor can you read Brad Thor 's "Act of War," the book currently sitting atop the New York Times bestseller list.” Johnson, D. (2014, July 23). Barnes and Noble will have to get these book authors to agree to allow them to release their titles to consumers who are willing to pay Barnes and Noble for a monthly subscription to go along with their new tablet purchase.
While implementing the industrial organization model I would also put into place the resource-based model. Barnes and Nobel needs to retrace their steps and realize why they were so popular and profitable from the beginning. I would make it a point to change the company’s internal atmosphere and make sure it targets customers who know what they want and don’t know what they want. People who currently own Amazon’s Tablet only have the option to purchase written books or magazines, however when customers come into a Barnes and Noble store, they have a variety of options to browse over from books, to games, to music “Toys and games, a small but increasingly

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