
The Core Functions Center Around Their Technology Solutions And Clinical Acumen

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Evolent’s core functions center around their technology solutions and clinical acumen. Evolent developed a proprietary clinical engine to provide a 360 solution to providers and healthcare professionals. The intent of the system is to capture all the data that is attributed to a patient and centralize it within a single platform. This gives a provider the ability to understand what services their patients are receiving, any recent episodes in patient care, and adherence to medications, to name a few. Additionally, from an insurer’s perspective, it highlights the patients that are driving costs, are likely to have a hospital admission or readmission, what interventions would have the best clinical outcomes and examines how effective their …show more content…

Evolent also provides operational support to execute on the recommendations that are being identified through the various models.
Position Within the Pillars of Analytics Competition Evolent has a commitment in being able to compete on analytics as this is one of the key drivers of our business model. Thus, senior management is committed to have a consistent and global approach to analytics. There is a deep-rooted drive to collect data to continually build on information and how this affects the outcomes that can be obtained. The ability to predict what outcomes are needed based on captured historically and current data is essentially for the organization to contain costs and differentiate itself from the industry. Without information Evolent would not be able to provide as much value to their clients based on consulting and operational support alone. Senior management is always driving towards the numbers and what these numbers represent internally and externally to our stakeholders. If a decision cannot be supported by quantitative evidence, it is more than likely not going to come to fruition. Additionally, if a decision is supported by data, it is first modeled within a control environment within a defined stabilization period to ensure that the expected outcome is achieved. While this may delay pushing a solution to production, it ensures that a quality product is being delivered before it has a larger impact across the organization.
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