As we navigate our reading this week as few thing stood out to me as it related to the weekly question. In taking a true inventory of how an organization is performing with the avenues of social media they choose I find that our text spelled out some substantial aspects or elements that appear as relevant as any others. In the text Levinson, Forbes, Frank (2010) “Believable. Does what you offer sound plausible to the people in the segment?” (Pg. 216) This speaks to if a “customer” or contact on social media values the aspect that you are credible or competent in what you are presenting. This precept is very large when it comes to finding the affectedness of your social media. It seems to be quite simple to use social media and quite difficult
Cited by Shari Veil, in her 2011 article, “Incorporating Social Media in Risk and Crisis Communication,” “Social media is at its core human communication, possessing characteristics of participation, openness, conversation, community, and connectedness.” This demonstrates how integral social media has become in our daily communication.
Moving forward, social media has been a major convenience and reward to virtually everyone. On an individual basis, social media allows friends and family both near and far to communicate with one another. Also, businesses are flourishing through the use of social media. Advertising has never been easier. Horn (2013) states, “Our profession, unlike any time before, is demanding we become social media (…) experts” (1). Horn (2013) also states, “More than half of reporters (55 percent) use Twitter and Facebook to source stories” (1). Social media has greatly benefited business life and personal life.
Companies have globalized, all over the world and social media has become a popular platform for engaging with a company’s customer base. Today, businesses face countless challenges created by social media platforms that require businesses to make decisions that might give the appearance of being dubious. Thus, it is
Credibility material: I am a user of the popular social media platforms myself. As I continue to use these apps I have realized how much my life has changed and has become more revolved around it, as well as the disadvantages that it has brought into my life.
While the use of social media has been an important new tool in our overall outreach and advocacy arsenal, we have also been aware of the importance of qualitatively and quantitatively measuring the performance of our social media outreach efforts. The quantitative evaluation is typically done by using the Twitter Analytics tool, while our qualitative measures of success are done by gaging the influential Twitter users that are actively engaging with content posted from our efforts.
Understanding the impact social media has had on the business world is particularly important for the younger generation, those teenagers and twenty-somethings who are most likely to post something that may come back to haunt them in years to come. As college students, we must realize that our future can be made or broken by something we consider trivial. For all those concerned with their professional reputation, responsible use of all social media is imperative. In the opinions
Social media is the magnifying glass exposing organizations’ deepest and darkest secrets, failed crisis communication plans, and upset customers. If businesses do not hold the magnifying glass in the just the right place, they will have an unclear mission and will be vulnerable to criticism, negative reviews, and customer turnover. St. Louis Park Public Schools needs to ensure it is making its mission crystal clear for audiences logging onto the organization’s website and social media accounts through one of the most important communication approaches—engaging stakeholders in conversations. St. Louis Park Public Schools must listen to its audience, talk in a human voice, and, more importantly, be transparent across
"Fake news" has been monopolizing the real news over the past months, but especially since this last volatile election season came to a close and began seriously calling into question established organizations credibility. President-Elect Donald Trump has called out organizations like The New York Times, CNN, NBC News, ABC and CBS as fake news on Twitter (Trump), even going as far to publicly shame CNN reporter Jim Acosta at the first press conference held since his election. Many people seem to be divided on this hot-button issue, either believing news organizations like CNN should be subverted entirely, or believing that fake news may have influenced the election in major ways. No matter what you beleive no one can deny that the credibility
In the business environment or the workplace, social media continues to impact on business performance as well as organizational capabilities. On the other hand, it is
We cannot deny how big of an impact social media has on our lives now, not only on people but businesses too. It has opened a whole new door to the business world and given them a big opportunity to interact and attract a larger amount of customers. It’s given us a new and faster way of communication by exchanging pictures, stories, news, blogs, online discussions, etc. In exchange businesses have benefited by a long shot just by the click of a button. With the help of the Internet a company no longer is dependent on a particular customer base to survive because now it can reach out to a worldwide audience within seconds. It’s imaginable the countless business attributes of all social media to this day and still is growing. Social media
Online media as provided above cannot always be accessed. It also cannot always be relied on. When using digital media it is very hard to decipher real facts or sights from fake ones; whereas, with physical media students can always be sure that the information they have is credible. Students stop looking for credibility and extra sources once they have found something that works for them. “...the idea that we selectively seek out information that confirms our beliefs, truth be damned.”(Sundar, Social Media Users Must Start Checking Online News Sources paragraph 4). Students settle for the first article that will agree with what they think and use it not thinking to check its credibility. When using a book to look up information students get what they want and now that it is credible. When teenagers are online they tend to be more trusting of sources.
Groundswell is a book that focuses on the power of social media and how businesses have to learn to harness this power to remain competitive. The book is full of practical ideas of how the groundswell works, why it is so important in today’s business world and how to use it to maximize your marketing potential. The book gives examples of how some well known companies use social networks, blogs and other online platforms to learn how customers feel about their products and also provides explicit tactics to guide companies in using the groundswell in their own businesses. I think this is a great book if you are just beginning to think about how to use digital media for your business or if you are trying to learn how to connect people with social technology. It is not a difficult read as it explains concepts and ideas in a simple and direct way. The groundswell gave me a good perspective and firm knowledge base on the untapped potential of social networks.
My generation has grown up with technology in our hands since we were toddlers. We are dependent on technology, from Iphones, Laptops,tablets, ipods, even watches that keep us connected to a never ending supply of distant connection. Social media is the source of many problems in our society. One of the problems is the lack of communication in a relationship. One misconception about social media is that it has the ability to strengthen a relationship because you have another avenue of communication when in fact it is detrimental, due to lack of intimate interaction between two people. Social media not only takes away face to face interactions, but it leads to trust issues, cheating and a lack of confrontation.
The purpose of this report is to show that even though some state that Social Media has fallen short of their expectations, it is actually good for business, given that it enhances the visibility of their brand and helps businesses stay connected to potential customers.
Surveys indicate that in 2016, most Americans, 62%, used social media to access news (Pew Research Center, 2016). Nearly 80% of American journalists use social media (Lee, 2015). Social media has become a source for both creating and obtaining news (Yamamoto, Nah, & Chung, 2017). As technology changes how people receive news, it also changes how they evaluate credibility (Lee, 2015). Research into media credibility has evolved over the years, a simplified definition of media credibility might be believability, accuracy, and trustworthiness (Calvo-Porral. Martínez-Fernández, Juanatey-Boga, 2014). Media credibility focuses on the believability of the news channel. Source credibility focuses on the senders of the messages (Bucy, 2003).