
The Croatan High School: A Short Story

Decent Essays

The Crash heard around the school

On one faithful day I started my car and was about to leave Croatan High school. It was a cold January day it wasn’t sunny I wore a black shirt and grey shorts. As I start to pull out my spot into the straight way to get on cougar lane someone stops me. The person that stopped me was my buddy Jacob he made the jester for me roll down my window and so I did and he said. “Hey man do you know when the next test is in Mr. Slater’s class,” to which I reply. “No let me know if you hear otherwise,” and he walked away. I roll the other window down as Stair Way to Heaven comes on and turn up the music. I pull into the straight lane behind three cars and wait for someone to let one person in so the line will die down. …show more content…

After he told Michael I ask him for a ride home because my car was in no condition to be driven He said, “yes.” On the way home I was just thinking of how I was going to explain this to my dad. The ride home was silent other than me giving officer Meadows directions to my house. But after about of me being silence he broke the silence and asked. “Do you want to hear a story of my first wreck,” I said. ” Sure why not” he said. “Well it all started when I first joined the Police Force I was driving around a neighborhood doing patrol and I was looking around at the houses and was not paying attention to the road and next thing I know I hit a mail box and shattered the bumper of a cop car so I got out and left a note on the door telling the owner what happened I had to pay for damages done to the car as well. So yeah that’s the story of my first wreck.” After his story he pulled up to my house and I said.” Thanks for the ride hopefully my parents will not kill …show more content…

He looks at me and says,” we are going to the school and look at your wreck.” I get into his red Toyota Corolla and we head off to Croatan high school it was a quiet trip no radio was on just silence. We get to the school we park behind my wrecked car and we both get out of the car I get out his tool bag out of the trunk. My dad starts looking at the car and figured out what happened without me explaining what happened. So we started figuring out how we get the bumper free from the metal frame and after about 20 minutes of fight it we cut out some of the light wiring holding the lights in. It came off 10 minutes later with a lot of pulling it surprisingly we didn’t break the bumper more than it already was. I throw the bumper into the trunk I ask my dad, “Do you think I will be okay driving without any headlights.” He replies,” No you would get pulled over very quick.” I reply,” How do you want me to get this home.” Which he said, “well you’re going to go slow and I will follow right behind you with my flashers on.” So I said, “okay” and started my car and started to leave and head home. All I could say after this is do not get into wrecks it’s not

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