
The Dangers Of Social Media

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The Dangers Of Social Media
The world of social media can be a broad spectrum of various possibilities and a deep pool of the unknown. When diving into the world of social media you have to consider the fact that technology has become so advanced that people don’t even have to meet you in order to know who you are without even being present in your person lives. Nowadays you have all sorts of spyware which gives a predator the capability of invading your daily life. We will get more into the different types further along the way. Social media although can be exciting to those that are unaware of these dangers. To people like these; they are prone to damaging their devices and having their most sensitive information stolen. Information such as social security numbers, credit card information, utility billing, and so on. Many people become engulfed in this way of living which in turn makes their devices their lives in a sense. It makes people depended on their electronics, many people wouldn’t be able to survive or get around without a cellular device in today’s age. Many people turn to the world of social media to bring them up to date in on the hottest topics or trends, the latest news, or as a way to feel socially accepted. It kind makes it hard for people to actually socialize normally in person and tend to come out of their shells further when behind a computer screen. In my opinion it is sort of an outlet for most people who are afraid to be them actual selves or real

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