
The Decision Maker Is Sid Stevens

Decent Essays

1. Short Cycle
The decision maker is Sid Stevens, currently a project manager for a roofing company in Hamilton, Ontario.
Sid is frustrated with his current job and is looking to start a new business. He has prepared a short business plan and a proposal to a local bank but he was turned down.
His business plan is incomplete, he needs more equity, and he needs further research and financial information.
There is no urgency as he currently is still employed with the roofing company.
2. Long Cycle
2.1 Issues
Immediate Issues:
1. He does not have a patent in place to protect his invention from competitors. This is high importance and urgent (short term).
2. There are several things missing in his business plan, for example: the location …show more content…

2. He does not have enough money to start his business, except for the $20,000 in savings he was putting up. When applying for the loan, he didn 't show enough collateral, a projected cash flow plan, or a proper business plan.
3. He does not currently have a manufacturing facility to produce his product.
2.2 Analysis:
Cause and Effect
1) Equipment: He is not yet ready to produce the product due to not having the equipment built yet (quantitative problem).
2) People: He is lacking a capable management team. He is handling all the aspects of the business, including construction of facilities, business planning, and financial planning on his own without assistance or sufficient experience (qualitative problem).
3) Methods: He is not very organized in terms of his business planning (qualitative).
4) Materials: He does not provide details on who will be supplying the raw inventory, for example, the lightweight Aluminum.
5) Funding: He does not have sufficient funding, which is hindering his ability to create a manufacturing facility (quantitative problem).
Constraint and Opportunities:
The Constraints are the lack of funding possessed by Sid (except for the $20,000), and lack of experience at entrepreneurship (except from what he has seen of his father’s own entrepreneurship endeavors).
The opportunity is the ability to gain further funding in any method (for example, financing,

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