
The Determinants Of Health And The New Zealand Society Essay

Decent Essays

Everyday young people make poor nutritional choices for breakfast, negatively affecting themselves and the well-being of the New Zealand Society. I will convey what determinants of health play a big part in this nutritional issue such as poverty, parenting, education and income. In this report I will be using quantitative and qualitative research to outline how young people that missing breakfast or having none at all are contributing to lots of health related risks within New Zealand that what what affects it has on the New Zealand Society. Essence of the Issue: 15% of children are going to school without breakfast or a nutritional breakfast in the morning. Young people missing breakfast is a big health risk, “Skipping breakfast has been found to be associated with overweight in young people both overseas and in New Zealand.” (Affenito et al., 2005; Rampersaud, Pereira, Girard, Adams, & Metzl, 2005; Utter, Scragg, Mhurchu, & Shaaf, 2007) (1). “Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity. This is calculated by the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres (Kg/m2)” (2). “...Some evidence of lower percentage of fat intake among children who eat breakfast.”...because children who skip breakfast may overcompensate by eating calorie-dense snacks during the day.” (1). Why is it an issue and how do we know this is an issue? Due to the skipping of breakfast, children turn to the fast way for getting food whether it is

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