
The Development Of Self Regulation Amongst Children

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The development of self-regulation amongst children is complex and influenced by a large number of factors such as attunement, family routine, language development, and social interaction, to name just a few (Kopp, 1982). Given these factors are likely influenced by early parent-child interactions, and since it’s widely known that culture influences parental values and beliefs, one can expect to notice a large difference when comparing parental styles between two contrasting cultures, such as Japan and the United States. Furthermore, it would be expected to find a difference in the development of self-regulation between Japanese and American children.
Why is Amae important? Amae is a Japanese word lacking an English equivalent, however, in short, is defined as “passive love” and is often used when describing the most important relationship in Japanese culture: the parent-child relationship (Doi, 1973, p. 18). The concept is very much hierarchical and the verb form, amaeru means to seek to fill the desire to be taken care of by someone of authority (Doi, 1973, p. 29). Though the concept of amae is not exclusive to Japanese culture, Japanese is the only language to have a word for it (Doi, 1973, p. 18). Amae is important to understand because it’s at the core of Japanese culture, and is an essential part to the Japanese definition of love, extending beyond the mother-child relationship and being valued and accepted in any type of adult relationships (Doi, 1973, p. 21).

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