
The Development and Implementation of Decision Support Systems Within the Clinical Field

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Implementation Approach
The development and implementation of decision support systems within the clinical field represent a myriad of methodologies. While most institutions have adopted the IT centric or traditional approaches of DSS development and implementation, experts have recommended a user centric approach as an alternative method. If the user centric model is initiated within the industry, it makes it possible for the management to justify decisions through value analysis (Burstein & Holsapple, 2008). The development and implementation of DSS within the clinical setting demands a set of continuous and expensive endeavors. Project managers must initiate coordinated technical, human, and clinical efforts in engineering the required expertise for a prolonged period.
There is often the lack of institutional justification for developing and installing DSS systems. This has resulted in only 12 per cent of clinics in America having fully adapted DSS systems. The prime justifiable reason for medical institutions to adopt DSS is to reduce the roof breaking number of medical errors. While DSS systems with moderate rates of clinical decision-making support reduce the rate of major medication errors, some errors will remain inevitable. Most DSS capabilities in clinical service delivery include technology-based guidance for medication doses and medical adjustments for complex functions. Advanced DSS within clinical prescribing could be of immense benefits.

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