
The Effects Of Anorexia And Its Effects On Society

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In the Western culture, it has long been the tradition to strive for perfection in everything possible. In many ways, this has moved our culture and technology forward. This can also be quite detrimental to people, because perfection is often not attainable. In the medical field, perfection is often the goal for patients. When dealing with the human body, perfection really isn’t universal nor a realistic goal. This strive for perfection has caused some health problems for people including anorexia, erectile dysfunction, and ADHD. When people from other cultures are introduced to the medical system in Western culture, there is often a large degree of confusion and extremely different practices. We have talked about many things in class that the Western culture has probably created. The obsession with perfection and body image in our society has caused many problems, one of which being anorexia. Anorexia is not just about having no fat or feeling overweight. Organs start shutting down and hair grows in places that it doesn’t normally grow to insulate the body. It can be very dangerous, and even life threatening. The desire to be perfect physically, has caused a major medical problem for some people. Hospitals won’t even take these people once they are at the end of life stage because there is nothing they can do. ADHD is a controversial topic for many people and seems to be an epidemic in the U.S. This partially stems from the idea of having perfect children. Some parents

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