
The Effects Of Caffeine On Teens

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Should Teenagers Be Allowed To Have Caffeine?
Did you know that 1 teaspoon of caffeine powder is equal to 33 Redbull beverages and 14 Venti frappuccinos from Starbucks (Crouch)? It has become increasingly clear that caffeine may not be safe for teenagers, even in small doses. Caffeine acts as a stimulant and is found in medicines and pain relievers that are used to help treat migraine headaches. But in recent years, more and more products targeted for teens have a large amount of caffeine and are advertised as energy boosters, when they are not. We can not deny the evidence that teenagers should not be exposed to caffeine because of the dangerous short and long term effects on health, it can cause abnormal sleep patterns, and many studies and …show more content…

Caffeine is a drug that is naturally produced in the leaves and seeds of many plants. It can also be produced artificially and is sometimes added to certain drinks and foods to give them an extra boost. Caffeine is defined as a drug because it stimulates the central nervous system, causing higher levels of alertness. It is commonly found in chocolate, tea, coffee and many soft drinks. Teenagers usually consume most of their caffeine from sodas and energy drinks. Caffeine is not stored in the body, but you may feel its effects for up to seven hours (University Health Service). The artificially produced products are advertised to teenagers as energy boosts and ways to increase your alertness, when in reality, caffeine is a drug that should not be used as a way to finish your English paper that you waited until the last minute to write. In moderation, caffeine does not have long term effects, but the amounts that teenagers are consuming is unhealthy and could lead to many potential health …show more content…

These short term effects can include difficulty sleeping, increased heart rate and sometimes an increased blood pressure. A major long term effect could include dehydration which is the loss of water in the body. Since caffeine causes a chemical reaction that blocks adenosine in the brain, teenagers often have trouble sleeping because they cannot shut their brain off. In other words, they feel physically tired but, are not able to go to sleep. Finally, teenagers like Logan Stiner prove the studies (like the one conducted by NASA) to be true. His case was extreme, but a real indication of caffeine’s deadly effects. In retrospect, even small amounts of caffeine should not be given to teeagers. If your teenager likes caffeinated coffee or sodas, try 7-Up, Mug Root Beer, or Sprite which have no caffeine to affect your kids. They still have the sugary taste without the harmful side effects. Caffeine is a drug and teenagers should understand that getting addicted to caffeine could be just as serious as marijuana or cocaine. So prevent your teenager from drinking caffeine, and stop them from becoming one of the 68 million Americans who drinks 3 cups of coffee a

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