
The Effects Of Public Education On At-Risk Students

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Twenty first century jobs call for high levels of education to secure open positions. Job openings in the first quarter of the 21st century will require higher levels of education with 36% of job openings calling for a bachelor’s degree or higher, 30% will require some college, and only 12% of open positions will require less than a high school diploma (Carnevale, Smith, & Strohl, 2013). To reach economic demands upon educational needs, national accountability initiatives for public education call for an increase in student performance as measured by standardized testing (Polikoff, 2017). In order to meet these needs for higher levels of educational completion, different approaches of teaching and learning may engage students in more …show more content…

Chapter 3 will focus on the methodology and design of the study with comparisons and justifications of the selection of the quantitative descriptive methodology. Expanded explanation of the planned population for the study, as well as the materials and instrumentation of the planned study will be provided. Statements of operational definitions of variables, procedures, data collection and analysis will also be submitted for consideration of the dissertation proposal committee. Assumptions, limitations, delimitations, and ethical assurances and overall summary will conclude the chapter.
Research Methodology and Design This study will use a quantitative descriptive methodology. This type of study provides the opportunity to analyze data in the two groups, year one traditional instruction group and year two, blended learning instructional group. Descriptive statistics will be utilized to analyze differences in mean, median, mode, standard deviation, range and outliers between the two groups. The quantitative descriptive methodology is appropriate for this study because the selection allows the researcher to determine if blended learning affected students’ scores and provides appropriate foundations for the use of this methodology due to the comparisons between two groups (Morgan, 2016; Reale, 2014). Utilizing hard data gained from

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