In the article, “Undulation Training for Development of Hierarchical Fitness and Improved Firefighter Job Performance,” a research was conducted when a critical problem emerged from the extraordinary job risks of firefighting. In this article, it was recognized that firefighting was a high risk occupation in which many activities were life threatening. Yearly incidences brought on from these life-threatening activities and conditions included cardiovascular disease from the inhalation of smoke as well as musculoskeletal injuries from the physical demands of the job. The problem was lying in the fact most fire departments were failing to adequately prepare the firefighters in terms of health and physical fitness to take on the …show more content…
The subjects of the experimental study performed were 14 firefighters who were attendees at the Fire Academy. They were all volunteers and met the requirements to be subjects, including having no medical issues that could affect or be affected by the test and being in good physical health with no injuries. Each subject was cleared by physicians to be participants in the experiment and all agreed for information about the study to be released. The study design of the research took place within a span of nine weeks. Before and after the nine weeks of resistance training, several tests were administered to determine the level of muscular strength, jumping ability, sprinting ability, RFD, etc. as they were all much needed requirements specific to the job of firefighting. Other factors were also considered, including height, mass, and size of limbs and chest. Upper and lower bodies of the participants were measured via barbell squats and bench press exercises, using the 1RM method until failure. The values were then recorded. Jumping ability was measured using both vertical and horizontal jumping exercises performed in three to five trials. Warm-ups were performed before the test. RFD or rate of muscular development was measured with a calibrated position transducer which utilized the three values from the upper and lower body 1RPM tests. A TENDO unit cord was used during these tests. These tests were administered throughout the span of over a week in
NFPA and National Fire Protection Association are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169. Copyright © 2008 National Fire Protection Association®. All Rights Reserved. This edition of NFPA 1006, Standard for Technical Rescuer Professional Qualifications, was prepared by the Technical Committee on Rescue Technician Professional Qualifications and released by the Technical Correlating Committee on Professional Qualifications. It was issued by the Standards Council on December 11, 2007, with an effective date of December 31, 2007, and supersedes all previous editions. This edition of NFPA 1006 was
Doctors Craig Haney, Curtis Banks and headed by Doctor Phillip Zimbardo. This article provides in detail the initial purpose for this study, its participants, the nature of the study, the events that transpired during the experiment and of its results. With this article we are provided with a clear picture of the events that had transpired during the experiment and provides some insight into why the events may have occurred.
Our experiment was performed in the Science and Technology build on the USCB Bluffton Campus on October 6th from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. In order to construct the study for this experiment, we divided the actual experiment work in order to be able to complete the study for all sixteen (16) subjects within the given time period available to accommodate the test subjects. The experiments was conducted in the hallway, during the process we tested three participants at a time. We constructed an informational form regarding gender, age, weight amount of exercise per week. The supplies needed were approximately 25 test participants for the class, informational form, a blood pressure reader, timer, 15 jumping jacks, three chairs, paper and pencil to record
Validity claims are deriving from the potentially unbalanced and discriminative approaches to determining ones capabilities through and within the City of Lakewood’s firefighter program. Claims of standardized equipment restricting the physical capabilities of one’s movement is effecting ones results, however, fire retardant boots and gloves are required for the protection of firefighters during the course of duty and should not be compromised. The main purpose is to ensure the individuals are mentally prepared, conditionally effective, and supplied with the abilities to endure prolonged periods of exposure to highly intensified situations. Although such requirements are demanding, strenuous and potentially hurtful, it is extremely vital that when delivering products of public
In this lab, the focus was to study muscular fitness. In muscular fitness, there are two main components of measurements that are being taken, which are muscular strength and muscular endurance. Muscular strength is an individual’s ability to exert their maximum force. To test muscular strength, there are multiple tests such as 1 RM , Static Handgrip Strength, and Back Strength Dynamometer test. Muscular endurance is an individual’s ability to sustain prolonged muscular contractions. Tests that reveal results about an individual’s muscular endurance would be tests such as YMCA Submaximal Bench Press, Push-Up, and Plank test. It is important to remember that there is no single test for endurance and strength that will tell an
The relationship between the principles of training and physiological adaptations has a significant impact on performance. Many factors need to be addressed in a training program to make it a successful one for a particular athlete and thus improve their performance.
Firefighting has specific duties such as put out fires with specialized hoses and treat sick people and get them out of houses with burning buildings. It requires a lot of commitment and you will be forced to carry a person outside of a burning building and you must not be claustrophobic because you will be in a burning building with thick smoke trying to find somebody and you will get cramped by the smoke and debris. In this career this person need to be allowed to perform in the career with excellence and they need to be able to withstand heat and they need to be able to have the strength to be able to carry out a person in a burning building or any
The subjects were given a survey on their health as to avoid injured or asthmatic variables. Also they were all required to be in the healthy BMI range and the athletes were from one sport and the non-athletes had a strict definition of exercise as less than twice a week. However, a few errors could have slipped through. For example when recording the participants heart rate. The pulse was sometimes hard to locate requiring more time to look for it after their lap run and perhaps lose data in the process. Another possible error that could have occurred was taking the recovery times. The majority of the participant trials were done by one project partner making it difficult to monitor the thirty second intervals while measuring and recording the heart rates as well. In future studies these errors may be avoided by requiring all the researchers be present for the experiment in order to secure more definitive results. Another issue that occurred was the participants failing to show up, more so in the athlete group, which left a hole in hour experimental data because we were unable to reach the intended six athlete total due to this issue. Future researchers should attempt to have all the athlete and non-athlete participants together at one time for each day. This would avoid having to come back day by day and remember who did one day and who’s
The study consisted of fifty, female, undergraduate college students. The ethnicities that were use for this study were African American, European, Asian, Hispanic, biracial, and a very slight percentage was categorized as other. The experiment would begin at 5:00pm everyday, for four weeks. One of the three groups was administered each day. The three groups were either peppermint, expectation, or control. Each participant was seated down, given an instruction sheet, a laptop, and was not able to see the other participants from their view.
This experience consisted of 20 subjects from Woden plaza varying of age and gender. It also included one student who was going to conduct the experiment.
A big topic in the duties of firefighting is why there are more men than women firefighting. Numerous people would think that a woman can’t do the entire cautionary details that it takes to become one. Here is what a woman by the name of Charlotte Whitton has to say about these rumors, “Whatever woman do they must do twice as well as men to be half as good, luckily this is not difficult” (Winters). One explanation to this outbreak is there are many laws protecting women, children, age, minorities, and religious beliefs that many firefighters break everyday that they are on the job. Many women have to endure a workplace that is well suited for male- dominated firehouses unlike that of the 1940’s than of the 21st century. One of the only setbacks for women to worry about when trying to become a firefighter is the physical ability test. Why you might ask, well most women aren’t as strong in the upper body as men usually are, that is not to say that women could weight lift to increase her chances of succeeding. Part of the time that female are at a fire station they get sexually harassed by the male firemen. There have been cases of men hiding video cameras in small place to video tape these ladies and show it to the whole fire house, but in these
The definition of power training is training is most commonly used to develop a muscle group’s ability to contract at maximum force in the shortest amount of time possible (McArdle, Katch & Katch 2015). Weight training is defined as a system of conditioning involving lifting weights especially for strength and endurance (Merriam and Webster 2015). Power is important to acceleration as the runner’s feet are in contact with the floor for longer than if they were at full speed and so more power is needed to create movement and quickly (Mansfield athletics club 2012). Research, by Mohamed Souhaiel Chelly (2009), showed the effect of back squat and other forms of power training over a 2 months period (twice a week) on acceleration and other forms of explosive movements by football players. They found that in the first 5 meters in a 40m sprint the velocity of the players improved after using the power training techniques. This is specific to junior soccer players and so may not be specific to other sports or those of different athletic standards. In the book ‘strength and power in sport’, it is noted by the author (Latif Thomas 2010) that “The use of training methods involving, maximal and near maximal contractions, cause a remarkable increase in RFD accompanied by an
Some would say that one is better than the other and some the opposite. In this paper, we will learn the importance of both and the difference in both. A firefighter is a firefighter no matter what his/her salary, or their level of training.
The greatest threat facing the Modern Fire Service is the rate at which firefighters are dying in the line of duty. Excluding the terrible event of 9/11 that occurred in 2001 that forever changed the dynamics of the emergency response services1, firefighter deaths have averaged around 100 fatalities each year for the since 1990. This unacceptable rate of firefighter deaths has found its way to be a benchmark in the industry. The problem is that the benchmark should be zero firefighter deaths while on duty and every year that there is a fatality is a year that the fire service has failed its members. The number one cause of firefighter related deaths yearly is proven to be medical, stress, or overexertion related fatalities2. All of these causes of firefighter deaths can be avoided with implementation of training and awareness.
Before we get to what the exact job of the three hundred and one participants are, let’s describe how the research will be conducted. In this experiment there are two main elements