
The Electric Drive Revolution And Electric Cars

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"The electric drive revolution will become accepted and advance over time, just like computers and cell phones have over the last few days (anonymous). Electric cars have been around for many years. But they just started coming back around in the 21st century. Before anyone who had charging stations they would have to switch out their battery for their electric car whenever it ran out. The electric cars were created to basically compete with gas-powered cars. They were also created to reduce the pollution created by gas cars. Countries all over the world have started to create more and more electric cars. In fact, in this exact moment Japan already has more charging stations than gas stations which could possibly mean that they already have more electric cars than gas cars. The first electric car was created in the early 1900 's by Thomas Edison. People are only starting to go back to electric cars because charging stations were invented. With charging stations in place now people won 't have to rely on gas stations and gas powered cars, they will only rely on the more environment friendly charging stations and electric cars. Also with electric cars you have a lot more options to pick from when it comes to batteries to buy and charge. You can use lead acid batteries, zinc air batteries, and many more. Plus using electricity instead of gas is a lot cheaper. With time, gas-powered cars will become extinct. Electric cars will continue to

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