
The External And Internal Environment Of Apple Inc.

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TERM PAPER (BUS 51) Introduction Apple Inc. is an international American company that produces computer software, cell phones, personal computers and consumer electronic products. The well-known products of Apple include: the iPod, the iPhone, the Macintosh line of computers and the iPad. In 2015, there were 463 Apple stores worldwide. The software of Apple consist on the Mac OS X operating system, iWork suite of productivity software, Final Cut Studio, Logic Studio a music production tool’s suite, iOS; a mobile operating system, the iTunes media browser, the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity software, Aperture; a professional photography package, Air Play, Air print, Safari browsing software (Business Insider, 2013). Apple Company was developed on 1st April, 1976 by the co-founders named Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in Cupertino, California. The first 30 years of the company was named Apple Computer Inc. but later on January 9, 2007, the word “Computer” has distant (Business Insider, 2013). They introduced Apple I computer in 1976 which was a failure but in 1980, they launched Apple II which was successful. The purpose of this assignment is to critically analyze the framework within which the company runs by analyzing the external and internal environment. In order to achieve this different analytical tools and models like the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis will be applied. Then the objectives and strategy of Apple will be identified

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