
The Field Classification Of Niger Delta Basin

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Field Classification
Basin: Niger Delta Basin, Offshore Nigeria Basin Type: Passive Continental Margin, Divergent
Reservoir Type: Deep Water Turbidites Reservoir Environment of Deposition: Channel sands
Reservoir Age: Miocene Hydrocarbon Type: Oil and Gas
Trap types: Stratigraphic and Structural Trap Styles: Fault block and Flank of Mud Diapir
Discovery: 1995 Water Depth: 1311m
Reserves: 1235MMBO + 951BCF Author: Mohammed Malah, 9741320

2 Introduction
The Bonga field is located in the Niger Delta region offshore Nigeria (Fig 1a), First discovered by Shell Nigeria Exploration and Producing Company Limited (SNEPCO) about 20 years ago when a wildcat well was drilled some 120km off the coast of the Niger Delta in water depths of …show more content…

A floating production (Fig 2), storage and offloading system (FPSO) with a processing capacity of 22500b/d and storage capacity of 2million barrels was targeted for the production of the Bonga field through a series of subsea manifold and riser systems via waterflood (Chapin et al 2002). Fig 2: FPSO and High-rate waterflooding systems of the Bonga field from
4 Geologic setting
The delta complex in the Niger Delta developed as arcuate-lobate buildups across the Anambra Basin and Cross River margins protruding to the late Cretaceous continental margin into the deep ocean while developing a thick sedimentary apron and salient petroleum system elements (
The opening of the Atlantic ocean and the separation of the African continent from the South American plate lead to the deposition of thick successions of sedimentary deposits at the continental margin and southwards onto the oceanic crust as it was cooling (Solomon et al 2007).
The Miocene aged reservoirs within the Bonga field reside in a large anticlinal structure about 230Km2 wide where they tend to trend seaward away from the continent in a south to south-west direction (Fig 3) (Swinburn et al 2002). Fig 3: Geologic setting of the Bonga field modified from
5 Stratigraphy
The Niger Delta during the Cenozoic until the Middle Miocene grew through pulses of sedimentation over an oceanward-dipping

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