
The Fundamental Logic behind Intelligent Design

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“Where did that come from?” Is an innocuous enough question in mundane circumstances, but when applied to something as complex as the human race – and by proxy, to all life – the issue becomes incredibly clouded. The argument that humans and the material universe they inhabit resulted from the conscious and deliberate actions of an outside entity can sound at least passably convincing, even if one is determined to accept biological evolution as an established fact. It is fairly easy to dismiss literal Biblical creationism as irrelevant and/or inappropriate for the discussion of science, but it is harder to object to the formulation of a more sophisticated view that the universe’s form and structure shows signs of having been designed. To …show more content…

Behe also noted that, “An irreducibly complex system cannot be produced … by slight, successive modifications of a precursor system, because any precursor to an irreducibly complex system that is missing a part is by definition nonfunctional…. Since natural selection can only choose systems that are already working, if a biological system cannot be produced gradually it would have to arise as an integrated unit, in one fell swoop, for natural selection to have anything to act on.” Harkening back to Bob and his lottery winnings, the probability that irreducibly complex systems would just happen to evolve along Darwinian lines is sufficiently small that we can rationally rule it out as an explanation for irreducible biological complexity [2]. One of the main poster children for human origins is the ape: The theory being that humans and apes evolved from a shared common ancestor. As rational and tempting as it may be to cite the fossil record as evidence that humans evolved over a long period of time, the fossil record is hardly incompatible with intelligent design theory. Complex designs – such as the body of a primate – by their nature contain large amounts of specified and multifarious information. In regards to the creation of life, this means that the intelligent agent behind the design can quickly imbue the biosphere with large amounts of malleable genetic information. If this took place in the

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