
The Future Of Nursing Report

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The Future of Nursing Carrie Curell Grand Canyon University: NRS-430-0191 Professional Dynamics 02/23/2013 The Future of Nursing The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has researched how nursing as we know it will and is changing. They have written a report called “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” that outlines the impact of these changes on education, nursing practice, and nurses as leaders and made recommendations on the necessary changes. Regarding the impact of education, practice and the nursing role as leaders, they have developed four key messages: “1) Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training, 2) Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an …show more content…

This type of provider care reduces the cost to the patient and can improve the outcomes of patient care. This is so important because our elderly population is rapidly increasing and people have better access to care which means our physicians simply cannot keep up with the high volume of patient needs. Impact on Nursing Role as Leader The future of nursing will be seen as nurses being full partners in the healthcare setting. Nurses need to be ready to step up to the plate and answer the call to be leaders. Leadership skills can be learned in the classroom setting as well as through mentors. Nurses have been on the “front-line” for many years and have had such close contact with patients and their care that they have so much to offer to committees and boards that are making the decisions. It is a new responsibility for the nurse to accept the challenge of leadership that many may not have considered when they were pursuing their education, but whether leadership is a natural characteristic or the hardest thing for a nurse to do, we must step into this new role for the goals of the IOM report to be met (Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing, 2011). Nurses need to develop a level of comfort in their career to be proactive in creating new policies, brainstorming ideas to improve the field, and get involved in committees

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