
The Goal And Managing Production Management

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“The Goal” paints a vivid pro trail of common difficulties faced in production plants and by production managers everyday. In any company the goal is to make money, however as a production manager that goal becomes your sole responsibility. The entire purpose of a manager is to manage the production jobs in a systematic way. Low production cost at a fraction of the time increases demand which increases profit. This book addresses the fundamental skills needed to run and manage production efficiently. Understanding what works for your company as well as against is the first step in improving production efficiency. As a manager or company head you must evaluate all aspects of your production plan and begin drafting solutions. Eliyahu M. …show more content…

As the story unfolds and its decided that Rogo must solve the production problems or he is out of a job, we start to learn more about Rogo 's family life and how that weighs in on his job. Since moving back home six months ago Rogo 's family was not adjusting well and the plant problems wasn 't allowing Rogo to balance both successfully. Their marriage begins to strain because of the devotion Rogo needs to give to the plant. While in a team meeting Rogo starts to reflect of his life and how he is back at square one is some ways. He thinks back on a conversation he had with a college friend, Jonah. Jonah was a Physicist and in catching up they discussed the production plant and the new implementation of robots on the assembly line. Jonah didn 't agree that the robots increased production efficiency; in this reflection Rogo realized the goal of his company was to make money.

The Next day at work Rogo converses with Lou the plant’s controller about the goal of the plant, Lou agrees they discuss the tools used to tell if a company is making money. Rogo knows he has little time to turn things around, but so much more is needed so he decides he to talk to Jonah again. After finally getting a hold of Jonah, Rogo gets 3 measurements with specific definitions to work out the goal, throughput, inventory, and operational expense. Rogo is left to figure

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