
The Gospel of Luke Essays

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Luke chapter 2 brings to our attention of a birth that would forever change our world as it was known so many years ago.
"Do not be afraid! Listen carefully, for I proclaim to you good news that brings great joy to all the people: Today your Savior is born in the city of David. He is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11)
Jesus born in a barn that would exempt him from being born such as a ‘king’ would be. His family wasn’t so much as well off and under the circumstances of his birth you would have never guessed him to be the savior of our world. The baby that Mary wrapped in swaddling clothes and lay in the manger was similar to all other babies in Bethlehem, with one exception: He was the Holy one, born without sin. The human eyes of …show more content…

When the Second Person in the Godhead assumed our nature, He took human nature into eternal union with His Person, "a true body." The reality of the "true body" is seen throughout scripture:
It was born, it grew and waxed strong. (Luke 2:20.) He hungered. (Matt. 21:18.) He slept. (Matt. 8:24.) He was weary. (John 4:6.) He wept. (John 11:35.) He thirsted. (John 19:38.) He sweated. (Luke 22:44.) He suffered. (Isa. 53:5.) He bled. (Luke 29:41.) He died. (Luke 23:46.) He was buried. (Luke 23:53.)
His body in substance was in no way different from our own bodies; its reaction to circumstances identical and its experiences common to all human nature: "a true body."
Christ also looks unto Himself a ‘reasonable soul’.
He advanced in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. (Luke 2:52.) He loved. (Mark 10:21.) He experienced joy. (John 15:11.) He was compassionate. (Matt. 9:36.) He experienced sorrow and anxiety. (Matt. 26:37.) He experienced amazement. (Mark 14:33.) He was sympathetic. (Heb. 4:15.) He was tempted. (Matt. 4:1.) He was angry and grieved. (Mark 9:36.) He experienced agony. (Luke 23:44.) He was moved with indignation. (Mark 10:41.) He offered prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears. (Heb. 6:7.) He learned obedience. (Heb.5:8.)
The Lord Jesus having taken human nature a true body and reasonable soul into eternal union with His deity, human nature could never be

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