
The Grapes Of Wrath: The Attributes Of Wrath

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President Calvin Coolidge vetoed the bill, but then Congress overrode his veto. The bonus was supposed to be paid once the veteran has passed away, earning the name “The Tombstone Bonus.” But then unexpected happened, The Great Depression of 1929. The stock market crashed, 20% were unemployed, and many were left homeless, starving, and hopeless.
In June 1932, 43,000 World War I veterans, many whom were unemployed and homeless, came together in Washington D.C.. The World War I veterans demanded to Congress that they wanted their bonuses they had earned, which were promised, “for the losses they suffered during World War I.” They did not want the veterans to camp outside of the capital so they sent the Army. The troops brutally forced the marchers out, evicting them by burning their camps. In 1933, veterans marched to the capital once again for their bonus, but Congress refused to give them their earned bonus. In 1936 Congress eventually ratified the bill that funded almost $2 billion in veterans’ benefits. I believe that since the World War I veterans did suffer immense losses, they have earned at least the right for an “adjusted universal compensation”. The federal government, Congress, and Hoover thought otherwise. They went against their own citizens and, in my opinion democracy. We have the right to speak our own opinions …show more content…

He was the complete opposite of later president, Franklin D. Roosevelt. He believed that if the government tried to solve the economy, it would do no good. He relied on people to volunteer and help one another through this rough time. Hoover believed that if people were confident and keep looking at the bright side, the economy would prosper once again. He repeatedly told this to the people. But soonly later, Hoover realized he could no longer approach it in a “laissez-faire” way. The economy was deteriorating even more, little by little. Hoover understood what he had to do, he asked Congress for

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