
The Historical Development Of Painting Media Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The Historical Development of Painting Media from The Ancient Techniques of Encaustic, Oil, Tempera, and Fresco, to The More Contemporary Media Such as Acrylic

across the ages of the past. Paintings in its highest form served as a vehicle for stories, the paintings were a narrative picture, it was and still is like writing an opera where the raw material of play is converted by poetry and music into something more concise, as expression of the essence of the story and its action, succinctly painting the branch of art elucidate something we still need to know, the history of humanity saturated of literatures, but without paintings it is like opera lacking libretto. The development of painting media was part of long tradition so-called “history of painting” this development prefigured the antiquity, it carried on through the renaissance, and subsequently was regarded as the most elevated category of art, for nearly four centuries or perhaps more it was officially recognized as the most significant work a painter can do, painting had the highest purpose to show people what was sacred, and what was their duties to each other, to society, to the deity, and ultimately to edify the public and instruct them. Paintings was the most prestigious branch of art, and the most paid. Art history thrived thought the development from one medium to the next:
The encaustic medium
According to Pliny the Elder in his encyclopedia “Natural History” the techniques of the

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