
The History of Cosmetics and the Trends in the Fashion Industry

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This research paper will discuss some of the history of cosmetics and new trends and types of cosmetics in the fashion industry and different types of hair extensions. Would you ever guess that film makeup started back when there was black and white movies?
One type of cosmetic in the fashion industry would be eyelash extensions, or fake eyelashes. Eyelash extensions have been around since 1916 , but recently have become a trend. The first fake eyelashes were made of human hair and were made for an actress to wear in a movie. Fake eyelashes can be made from human hair or from synthetic materials. There are two different kinds of fake eyelashes. There are temporary and eyelash extensions, The main difference is that the adhesive or glue, …show more content…

Corrective makeup can also be used to enhance good features of the face or body. When planning on doing corrective makeup you need the right supplies. For corrective makeup you should always have lip lining pencils, different shades of foundations and concealers, different color eye shadows , and translucent powders. When doing corrective makeup it is always important to know what to pay close attention to when working with different areas of the face. When working with eyes , decide whether the eyes are set close together or far apart ,and if they are wide or narrow ,and depending on the color of the eyes what color eye shadow you should use. For eyebrows, always take into mind what face shape the person has. A high arched eyebrow could make a long face appear longer. While working in different areas you always have to pay close attention on what colors and techniques you shouldn't use. Corrective makeup makes many women ,and men feel better about things they don't like about themselves. Instead of getting plastic surgery , people can learn to enhance or hide the parts of their face that they are not completely happy with. The biggest and most creative form of makeup would be Special effects makeup. Special effects makeup is used mainly in film , movies , modeling and theatre. The first use of special effects makeup was

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