
Prosthetic Makeup Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Prosthetic Makeup also known as special make-up effects is used to create cosmetic effects on parts of the human body. This technique has been used since 1920’s by many actors and a lot of famous movies till this day. What makes this work of art so unique and special is that it hasn’t been created on a computer but its design on live set and that’s what amazed many people. Prosthetic makeup was revolutionized in movies like “Planet of the Apes,” Star Wars,” and “Little Big Man.” When watching movies like this, one wonders how the makeup artists turns actors into animals, monsters and aliens. They use materials like gypsum, foam, latex, gelatin, silicones, bald cap, spirit gum, plaster bandage, separating agent and make removal compound. The importance of prosthetic makeup comes handy when you need to hide blood tube and bullet shots. Complex cosmetic makeup will make the actor completely unrecognizable. With this special effect …show more content…

As early as 1910 factor who immigrated from Russia was part of the theater and movie making scene he revolutionize the art of make up for movies he is the one who created the cosmetic line the Max Factor. The special media is Burtons creation a movie that was released in 1990’s and the name of the movie is Edward the Scissor hand witch was played by Johnny deep, is an excellent actor but without the special effect created by Burton the audience would probably not understand the character the artist created a Edward using latex, gelatin, bald cap, to create a character that had a pale look so the scares that he had to highlight were visible, He used the tools to make Edward look like he was not normal and that he was alone and sad this was a special effect way to getting the especial attention of audience top the character so that the audience would understand he was sad and lonely. If the audience did not understand the character the story of the film would not have

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