
The Holy Spirit Of God Essay

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As children of God we have all been called into the service of God, it does not matter whether it is secular or divine. The word call refers both to a person verbally or direct invitation to any duty, vocation o the employment to which is summoned. It is therefore that command to any individual through His word or by the Holy Spirit to engage in any work. The of god is always in two fold, one is outward which comes as a direct encounter of the word or which comes through the prompting of the Holy Spirit which manifest in our desire to fulfill a particular task. We are made to think our desire is something we produce by ourselves, but in reality it is the Holy Spirit who put this desire in our heart in our to accomplish His purposes through us. In creation God gave man talent which are basically our natural abilities. Our ability normal fits into our given task. There are also Spiritual gifts God gives to us when we get born again. This has nothing to do with our ability or talent, they are gifts we don’t work for but is given to the perfecting of the Church. Our gift is given not to benefit us but to benefit the body of Christ. We accept the call into ministry by submitting our obedience to God’s calling in our lives. As we study the Bible we realize that God communicate to man either directly like He did with Moses, or through dreams and vision like Joseph had a dream to take Mary as his wife, whichever way we need to know God, He prompt us into His leadings. I believe God

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