
The Impact Of Equal Work, Equal Pay

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Equal Work, Equal Pay “For women ages fifteen to twenty-four who work full-time and year round, the wage gap is $4,373. By the time they reach the age of forty-five to sixty-four, they earn $15,404 less than men per year” (Holmes). Wage gap is the difference between women’s and men’s earnings, and the earnings of different races. Wage gap not only affects women and individuals of different races, but it also affects the society. Equal pay could improve the American society in many ways. The American economy is distressed by the fact that a wage gap continues to exist between the sexes and different races. Some may argue that men deserve more money than women. For instance, people might say that men work harder and more hours than women. Additionally, people also debate that men work harder jobs than women, and that women do not go into the same careers as men to get paid the same. To summarize, some do not believe that there is a problem with the fact that there is a wage gap. GENDER WAGE GAP Initially, gender wage gap is real and it hurts women all across the world. According to a Pew Research Center analysis, women earned 83% of how much men earned in 2015 (Patten). This means that it would take about forty-four extra days of work to earn the same as men. Every educational level has a wage gap. Men who have an advanced degree have an hourly wage of $45.84, and women who have an advanced degree make $33.65 per hour (Schieder). That is a difference of $12.19. Fourteen

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